Keri Folmar

Keri lives in Dubai where it’s sunny all the time (except for during the occasional sand storm). Her husband, John, is the senior pastor of the United Christian Church of Dubai. Keri’s passion is encouraging women from all over the world to enjoy the Scriptures. She has the privilege of living out that passion at UCCD where she leads Bible studies and teaches amazing women from every inhabited continent.

In a previous life, Keri worked as chief counsel for the Constitution Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives, where she was the staff writer of The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban. She and John, who was also a lawyer, met at church, five blocks from the capitol, and had their first lunch date when the PBA Ban was being argued on the Senate floor.

Keri and John now live a much more exciting life, doing ministry while raising three amazing kids: Ruth at UT Austin (Hook’em Horns!), Chloe, beginning at William & Mary (Go Tribe!), and Andrew, bringing up the rear, playing electric guitar and riding his quad bike around the neighborhood. Keri’s favorite thing to do for adventure is travel with her husband and children, enjoying history and culture while being together.

In addition to The Good Portion: Scripture, Keri has written five inductive Bible studies: Joy! on Philippians, Faith on James, Grace on Ephesians and The Son of God, Volumes I & II, on the Gospel of Mark. She also contributed to Word Filled Women’s Ministry and the ESV Women’s Devotional Bible.

A few articles by Keri:

7 Mistakes We Make in Women’s Bible Study
Let the Women Come to Me
Faith Like Redwoods
5 Ways to Send Kids to College with Confidence in the Bible
Use Globalization for the Gospel
Why Strength and Weakness Are Not Opposites

Read some more about Keri:

The Gospel Coalition
Melissa Kruger’s Blog
Cruciform Press

The Good Portion: Scripture

Keri’s other books: